Mbps, Internet Speed, etc

Overview What is the internet speed and how do you measure it.  Internet speed is measured as Mbps which is Mega bits per second.  Often Mbps is confused with MBps whic is Mega bytes per second.  As there are 8 bits in a byte, MBps would be 1/8 of Mbps.  When we measure data size we usually talk about MB or GB which is Mega bytes or Giga bytes.

Our current internet speed is:

download:   100 Mbps      Upload:    20 Mbps

If we have a 1GB file and it takes 45 minutes to upload, the speed is calculated as:

1GB x 1024 = 1024 MB x 8 = 8192Mb

45 minutes x 60 = 2700 seconds

8192 / 2700 = 3.03 Mbps

If the same file took 8 minutes to upload, the speed is calculated as:

8 minutes x 60 = 480 seconds

8192 / 480 = 17.07 Mbps


Some Extra Calculations

1 gb=1024 MB (mega bytes) 1 mb=1024 KB(kilobytes) 1 KB=1024 bytes

1 GB=1024*1024*1024 bytes =1073741824 bytes